Blog English

Vaginismus. Premature ejaculation.

Vaginismus. Premature ejaculation.

Nobody informs us about sexuality and we only have porn references and little else, then vaginismus and premature ejaculation appear and we have no knowledge about this. Women don't enjoy penetration and men cum fast, and that is totally due to great misinformation...

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The economic crises. Political systems.

The economic crises. Political systems.

From my point of view, an economic crisis is good. It moves the course of money and people's professions. They take you out of your comfort zone. Different sectors suffer, while others benefit. Change a little the moment of each one, the way the money flows. In...

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Does size matter?

Does size matter?

The great pressure on men. Maybe for those of you who believe in a God who watches over you and observes you, depending on how you behave in other lives, this is the size for this life. Hehehe! Let's leave jokes aside. Size is given so much importance in sexuality,...

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Sexual abuse of minors

Sexual abuse of minors

As some of you already know, I am creating a Community of Sexuality, with the motto: For sexual education. Many times I have written about the lack of information that there is about sexuality and that there is a lack of people that can teach us about sexuality. Well,...

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What is the formula?

What is the formula?

I have managed to be comfortable being alone. From what I have learned I have also dedicated my time, to what is worth it and to who really deserves it. Before, I guess, because I didn’t want to be alone, I accepted all kinds of friends. Now I have become more...

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Do I prefer young or mature clients?

Do I prefer young or mature clients?

In general, it is the people, not the age, but sometimes I cannot cope with the young people, not with everyone, of course, many of them are charming. But some because they have a business or a good job and their money grows and they believe more than anyone and also...

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Reflections on the Coronavirus

Reflections on the Coronavirus

For me, it is a metaphor that the Earth has spoken. The earth has acted upon our destructive behaviour. She has developed a virus that does not kill animals or plants, only humans. My reflection is that this is the result of our actions. Many of us have been saying...

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1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 34962

Monday to Friday : 9am – 8pm

Saturday : 10am – 7pm

Sunday : 10am – 6pm

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