
Reflections on the Coronavirus

Reflections on the Coronavirus

For me, it is a metaphor that the Earth has spoken. The earth has acted upon our destructive behaviour. She has developed a virus that does not kill animals or plants, only humans. My reflection is that this is the result of our actions. Many of us have been saying...

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My first climax at 27 years old

My first climax at 27 years old

My first climax.  I always say nobody teaches us and talks us about sex openly and even less  so than during the time I was a teenager. The only thing I had heard from time to time was the phrase “make a finger”.  That’s when I introduced something into...

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1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 34962

Monday to Friday : 9am – 8pm

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Sunday : 10am – 6pm

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