Blog English

The transition

The transition

I am in the transition from Escort to S.e.x Coach. An escort is a person who has sex with the client and only has to think about enjoying themself practically keeping quiet and letting herself be done by the client. A sex coach is more of a sex teacher, a sex...

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Continue the trip to Tunisia

Continue the trip to Tunisia

First part.   The first few days were a bit of a disappointment, for both Ahmed and me. We found it very dirty with plastic bottles everywhere and all kinds of garbage. After several days, you start to see the charm of the town and you start to feel comfortable....

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What is it about my life?

What is it about my life?

  I can say it is happy and sad. Happy for many things and sad for only one. Sad because my partner does not stop pushing me to leave everything related to sex and nudism. Please, I need help! Can someone tell him how foolish he is that he can even ask me that! I...

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1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 34962

Monday to Friday : 9am – 8pm

Saturday : 10am – 7pm

Sunday : 10am – 6pm

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