
Cris Blas 48 years-old

Cris Blas 48 years-old

Happy and content to be 48 and I hope many more. Thank you, thank you for being able to continue even though sometimes it is so boring and meaningless.

Black and White Photos.

Black and White Photos.

  Cris at her place, 16e Paris.   Cris at her place, 16e Paris.   Cris at her place, 16e Paris.   Cris at her place, 16e Paris.   Cris at her place, 16e Paris.   Cris at her place, 16e Paris.   Cris at her place, 16e...

Vote or not vote !!!

Vote or not vote !!!

To vote or not to vote !!!! It’s inevitable not to talk about politics when we had elections on April 29 in Spain. This year elections have played a large role and in Spain is much talk of politics and in the months to follow I imagine much more. As I’m not in the...

My first climax at 27 years old

My first climax at 27 years old

My first climax.  I always say nobody teaches us and talks us about sex openly and even less  so than during the time I was a teenager. The only thing I had heard from time to time was the phrase “make a finger”.  That’s when I introduced something into...


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