My third trip to Tunisia
I wrote about my first...
Training as an Online Sex Coach
“It’s tough being a sex worker in Spain”
Since arriving in...
Response to those who ask to have unprotected sex, whether anal or vaginal
I'm not exaggerating...
The transition
I am in the transition...
Why do men worry about low libido and lack of erection?
A man tells his doctor...
Answer to those who are outraged by seeing naked people in public places.
They criticise nudists;...
It is said that without a university degree, you are not worthy!
As a friend told...
The world is blind and Spain is the blindest.
Between the trip to...
Cris masturbating with her toys
Do not give up...
My stay in Madrid. Family matters. Second part
I've been at my...
My stay in Madrid. First part
When I left Madrid 6...