I wrote about my first trip to Tunisia in this blog, but not about the second. I didn't give it much importance since I was only there for a week. But on this third trip, which I came for a month and stayed for almost three months, I feel like writing about it for my...
Training as an Online Sex Coach
My certification is online. I don't need to go to a university to pass exams, when you have everything on the internet, plus 13 years of experience in sex. Now to apply it to the real world and...
“It’s tough being a sex worker in Spain”
Since arriving in Madrid, I have seen how surreal the problem of being a sex worker is. While I was still in Paris, I started hearing from colleagues that the Spanish government wanted to hide prostitution and abolish it. This subject always comes up when there are...
Response to those who ask to have unprotected sex, whether anal or vaginal
I'm not exaggerating but practically every day someone asks me if I do anal and vaginal penetration without a condom. So I'm going to write this, for the next many who ask me, send them this text directly. Let's see, gentlemen, we already know that through the anus we...
The transition
I am in the transition from Escort to S.e.x Coach. An escort is a person who has sex with the client and only has to think about enjoying themself practically keeping quiet and letting herself be done by the client. A sex coach is more of a sex teacher, a sex...
Next zoom Thursday September 14: L’anorgasmia
Hello. Monthly meetings are back. As I said, when I said goodbye for vacation, at the next meeting we will talk about anorgasmia. Do you think it may be your case? or Do you want to give your opinion? We will talk about that and as always more topics will come up. Of...
Naturist nudist meeting in Bois de Vincennes Paris Saturday, September 9, 2023 From 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
https://www.meetup.com/grupo-de-meetup-de-sexualidad-around-the-world/events/295864167/ https://goo.gl/maps/or11jik9CcaZKvJK6
Naturist nudist event in Zurich
Hello. It seems that I am the only one at the moment that organizes meetings. The meaning of the group has changed, and sexuality has been removed because the idea of the group is more of naturist meetings than sexual meetings, and mentioning sexual education sounds...
Why do men worry about low libido and lack of erection?
A man tells his doctor (or his sex coach or sexologist):. “Hello, I have a problem; I don't have the libido that I had before nor does it get as hard as it used to. Cristina's response: Hello! Welcome to the world of women Women began to have sex without pleasure and...
Answer to those who are outraged by seeing naked people in public places.
They criticise nudists; They call us exhibitionists, uncivilised and blame us for giving a shameful image to the younger generation. What they don't realise, is they, because they haven't really thought deeply, that it's the opposite, showing parts of the body is...
Naturist meeting: Plage de la Petite Amérique, Yvonand (VD). Swiss
Hello community members. How is forbidden to practice nudism outdoors in Geneva, we must move where it is allowed. I propose to spend a nudist day at Plage de la Petite Amérique, Yvonand (VD) We meet there or at a train station to spend Saturday, July 8. The train...
It is said that without a university degree, you are not worthy!
As a friend told me the day I was rejected from the Paris School of Sexology: “You are already a sexologist” Three years ago I submitted my application to study Sexology, but it was rejected. So I decided to look for other options. I leave this link where I...
Nudist encounter at Geneva Indoor.
Hi! After talking with the commune of Geneve and knowing that the practice of nudism outside is totally prohibited (it seems super unfair to me) so that we nudists can meet, we must do it in private places. For this first community event, I offer my apartment. It's a...
The world is blind and Spain is the blindest.
Between the trip to Madrid last year for the operation of my fibroids and a stay in Madrid for three months, it was made clear to me that with my work and my time and energy other countries pay me more and right now I prefer to think about myself more than about...
Liberal meeting in Madrid Sunday April 30
Hello friend, member. I have very little time left to be in Spain, so I'm going to take the opportunity to have another meeting in person. The reunion will be at Skin (Strong), the most liberal room in Madrid open only on Sundays to all genres. It will be on...
Piamonte Madrid
My stay in Madrid. Family matters. Second part
I've been at my parents' house for a month and a half and there are better moments and worse moments. My parents and I can't stand each other most of the time. My father doesn't tolerate or respect my way of thinking and I can't cope with his intolerance and his only...
Zoom Event February 2023: Valentine’s Day.
Hello community members. The following zoom is in February, the month of Valentine's Day. So we are going to dedicate this month to lovers. From my point of view, which is always rare, for me, Valentine's Day should be the day when everyone gets up to give their...
1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 34962
Monday to Friday : 9am – 8pm
Saturday : 10am – 7pm