Naturism, philosophy of life, a form of expression versus Exhibitionism

Hello Community. This is an online event in Spanish. The next zoom will be on August 31, Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Many of you will be on vacation or just spending the summer and the last thing you want is to sign up. But if you are one of those who think like me, of taking naturism and sexuality out of the closet, for me, it is an honour and helps that you participate and do your bit. Write down in your agenda the day of the event and the time (Wednesday, July 31 from 8:00 p.m.) with an...

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Naturist meeting of the community in Paris in Boi de Vincennes

If you are in Paris, Saturday, July 30 and you want a naturist stay, the community gives you an appointment in the naturist area of Boi de Vincennes. Promote the practice of nudism and at the same time talk about sexuality and pleasure in a natural way and without taboos. If you are a man, I would appreciate it if you invited girls, because that is what is most lacking in nudist areas—women who set an example for other women. You don’t have to undress, of course. Bring a pareo and everything you need to spend an evening with...

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My first nudist birthday at the Casa de Campo in Madrid 2022

I’ve been a naturist since 2000 and I thought it would be a practice that would spread quickly, but it hasn’t! It’s going slow!!! Between the shyness of getting naked and the fact that it is not known if it is allowed or not, society represses itself a lot in getting naked in public places, especially among women. Nudism is an experience that I recommend to everyone. The one who begins continues and for good reason. Being naked without any clothes covering your body, more freedom can be experienced! Take away complexes and shame.   Well, it turns out...

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The May zoom event was not held because I had surgery.

The May zoom event was not held because I had surgery. I had two fibroids. One of them was already very big and was beginning to bother me. So they have removed my fibroids, uterus and tubes. I no longer have a period. What a pleasure! I was hoping my period would go away already. It has been with me for many years and has been a real pain in the ass. From panties and pants stained with blood at inopportune moments, period pains, and unexpected arrivals. It’s over! By next month I will be super recovered to connect...

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Do you know what cisgender means?

I find it so incredible that the word cisgender was heard for the first time by me not more than two months ago from a Netflix series about the principles of pleasure Being cisgender is adopting the sexual preference that has been assigned to you at birth for being born with a penis or vagina. It is the way of knowingly and properly mentioning people who accept and assume by system how they have to dress, comb their hair, what colours to choose and above all what gender they have to fall in love with and marry. We...

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Cris Blas 48 years-old

Happy and content to be 48 and I hope many more. Thank you, thank you for being able to continue even though sometimes it is so boring and meaningless. 1973 Orientation: 1 « ‹ of 3 ›...

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Do men fuck more than women? My wife doesn’t make me hard anymore! I am addicted to sex!

Let’s talk again about sexuality and about the calls I receive from my advertisement as a sex coach. I still get 100% calls from men. It must be that women already know everything and they do not need to learn more. They have no doubts that their sexuality is full or it is that they do not like to have orgasms and pleasure. Or, they are happy to live without it or could be that with the Satisfayer (sex toy), they don’t need another person to have pleasure with. Not men, men are insistent and are always looking for new sensations in sex. They are still curious and since it is normal for them to pay for it, they have more sex than women. But women, what kind of sex do they learn if they don’t practice it either in marriage or outside of marriage? Men pay and have sex, but women, I wonder how much sex they have throughout their lives? Because I am a sex worker, otherwise I would be like most women my age, I would have a life almost without sex. Luckily, I became a sex worker, otherwise, I don’t know if I would know how to give the pleasure that I give and have the pleasure that I have. I wouldn’t have learned it. Because what I have learned so far has taken me...

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Continue the trip to Tunisia

First part.   The first few days were a bit of a disappointment, for both Ahmed and me. We found it very dirty with plastic bottles everywhere and all kinds of garbage. After several days, you start to see the charm of the town and you start to feel comfortable. Of course, garbage is still everywhere. I didn’t get used to that. The lovely family, the two sisters, the mother and the grandmother, all women. Unfortunately, as I have already mentioned, the father had only passed away two months before. Runaway stomach cancer. The pity was that for a...

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