Let’s talk again about sexuality and about the calls I receive from my advertisement as a sex coach. I still get 100% calls from men. It must be that women already know everything and they do not need to learn more. They have no doubts that their sexuality is full or it is that they do not like to have orgasms and pleasure. Or, they are happy to live without it or could be that with the Satisfayer (sex toy), they don’t need another person to have pleasure with. Not men, men are insistent and are always looking for new sensations in sex. They are still curious and since it is normal for them to pay for it, they have more sex than women. But women, what kind of sex do they learn if they don’t practice it either in marriage or outside of marriage? Men pay and have sex, but women, I wonder how much sex they have throughout their lives? Because I am a sex worker, otherwise I would be like most women my age, I would have a life almost without sex. Luckily, I became a sex worker, otherwise, I don’t know if I would know how to give the pleasure that I give and have the pleasure that I have. I wouldn’t have learned it. Because what I have learned so far has taken me...
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