Tag: escort

The world is blind and Spain is the blindest.

Between the trip to Madrid last year for the operation of my fibroids and a stay in Madrid for three months, it was made clear to me that with my work and my time and energy other countries pay me more and right now I prefer to think about myself more than about family, friends and husband. Spain continues as always. People live with the bare minimum, they can’t even heat their homes in winter and think that it’s normal because they don’t know about other options or that they exist. The system you have created does not help...

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Liberal meeting in Madrid Sunday April 30

 Hello friend, member. I have very little time left to be in Spain, so I’m going to take the opportunity to have another meeting in person. The reunion will be at Skin (Strong), the most liberal room in Madrid open only on Sundays to all genres. It will be on Sunday, April 31. Doors open at 11 pm, so we’ll meet earlier, somewhere in the area (Gran Via) around 9 pm.You can buy tickets through this link, I have already done it. https://ra.co/events/1684465 When you buy the ticket, please read the room instructions. Are important. In addition, this Sunday...

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