I wrote about my first trip to Tunisia in this blog, but not about the second. I didn't give it much importance since I was only there for a week. But on this third trip, which I came for a month and stayed for almost three months, I feel like writing about it for my...
Personal experience
Personal experience
“It’s tough being a sex worker in Spain”
Since arriving in Madrid, I have seen how surreal the problem of being a sex worker is. While I was still in Paris, I started hearing from colleagues that the Spanish government wanted to hide prostitution and abolish it. This subject always comes up when there are...
It is said that without a university degree, you are not worthy!
As a friend told me the day I was rejected from the Paris School of Sexology: “You are already a sexologist” Three years ago I submitted my application to study Sexology, but it was rejected. So I decided to look for other options. I leave this link where I...
My stay in Madrid. Family matters. Second part
I've been at my parents' house for a month and a half and there are better moments and worse moments. My parents and I can't stand each other most of the time. My father doesn't tolerate or respect my way of thinking and I can't cope with his intolerance and his only...
My stay in Madrid. First part
When I left Madrid 6 years ago, I left with the purpose of becoming trilingual in Spanish, French and English. My friends laughed and didn't see me capable, not because I wasn't capable, but because they saw it as something very difficult and even more so at 42 years...
My experience with Ayahuasca.
I have been wanting to try it for years, but with the fact that the system had diagnosed me with bipolar and I take medication, nobody accepted me. Also around me my family and friends worried and held me back, trying to scare me. In the end, I made the decision to...
How people underestimate you because of your age and have the incorrect perception of you
Whoever still thinks that sex and orgasms are old, from my humble opinion lives in great ignorance. I don't know why sexual experience and wisdom are still not valued in sex. You keep fucking with your eyes and not with your five senses. If I have to base myself on...
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Monday to Friday : 9am – 8pm
Saturday : 10am – 7pm