
The news leads you to make decisions

Escort Girl in Madrid, Geneva, Paris.

Spanish Escort Girl learning French and English.

I have decided, I want to learn good French and good English and for that I have to do it in the country where it is spoken. Staying in Madrid, I delay learning and I have to put much more effort into it.

I’ve been traveling outside of Spain for about four years and the truth is that I already have the method I learned, how to work independently wherever I go. And if I want to thrive in the languages ​​and also save and buy the apartment where I live, I have to go outside Madrid to work, because if it is not going to perpetuate the purchase of the apartment and the learning of French. And seeing how it is becoming fashionable Madrid, and how the person works, I would can miss the opportunity to buy my apartment. And the truth is that the flat where I live I love it and it’s expensive. And to buy it I do not have another one that, besides for that reason, to go to other European cities where the tariffs and the work is greater.

So I’ve decided, I’m going on route for a few months or years I could say better. To travel where my instinct takes me. I’m sure it’s going to be an adventure that when it will be over, it’s going to be the worth !!! I do not know how it’s going to be, but for doing it, it’s not going to be !!! In a few years I will see the result of this decision. Leaving my routine, home, friends, family in Madrid, I’m very lazy, but with laziness nothing is achieved.

Who does not risk!

So, I notice that I’m going on the 13th of August to Paris and this time, if I have no idea when I will return, but I do know that for a long time, it will be.

Make new customers and new bases! For getting a good future without tensions. That is my purpose !!!

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