Naturopathic sexuality community

Hello, my name is Cris Blas, I was born in Madrid, Spain in 1973. I am a pans.e.x.ual polyamorous naturist and my passion in this life is to bring s.e.x.uality and nudism out of the closet and to spread s.e.x.ual pleasure naturally without shame or taboos.

I discovered orgasm at 27 because I had no s.e.x education or information about pleasure especially because I didn’t talk about it. The opposite was hidden.

For this, this community must have a meeting point where everyone is welcome and everyone can propose and have a voice to talk about s.e.x.

The community serves us to meet for a common purpose, to take s.e.x.uality and nudism out of the closet. Showing your body and accepting it are also linked to s.e.x.uality.

It is a group created to bring together nudists and those who want to start nudism.

It is created to create a space where the nudists can we meet.

Nudism is not just wearing clothes or bathing naked. Naturism goes further than nudism since it comes under a certain behavioural approach. Naturists want to be close to nature and seek a healthy lifestyle, a natural and preserved environment.

The world lacks naturist encounters because that’s why this group was created too, to bring together people who are looking for naturist moments with naturists.

There are two ways to participate. Arrange or attend meetings.

Any group member can propose a meeting, online or in person.

If you want to be part of it, you just have to register and you will receive all the activities and events that take place there.


This is a community that meets once a month online to discuss just of  s.e.xuallity . For the moment this meeting is in SPANISH.

All events are announced through the Meet-Up group. You have to register first in Meet-Up and belong to the group to be able to see them. Or from my same page.

Click on this link and see when the next event is.

Occasionally some events are face-to-face.

You want to talk about sex, but you don’t know with whom or how to do it. You need to learn more about sexuality, but you are embarrassed to bring it up. Here we make it easy for you.

You can sign up without a face. The meetings are recorded and put on YouTube. Watch other videos so you get an idea.

What you talk about and you don’t want to be exposed, the videos are manipulated and your part is taken away. You can join anonymously, without a face. Just participating is enough:

Cris Blas Escort Life S.e.x Coach Hands-On Geneva, Madrid, Zurich


+34 691 48 07 80

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