
My first nudist birthday at the Casa de Campo in Madrid 2022

I’ve been a naturist since 2000 and I thought it would be a practice that would spread quickly, but it hasn’t! It’s going slow!!!

Between the shyness of getting naked and the fact that it is not known if it is allowed or not, society represses itself a lot in getting naked in public places, especially among women.

Nudism is an experience that I recommend to everyone. The one who begins continues and for good reason.

Being naked without any clothes covering your body, more freedom can be experienced!

Take away complexes and shame.


Well, it turns out that nudism is totally allowed throughout Spain. In France, it’s prohibited.

I leave this link where it explains very well how and where nudism is allowed. Beaches, parks, rivers, etc, where you are not breaking any laws.

Marco Legal

In France, as mentioned, it’s prohibited. Read this article. What a disappointment. So democratic and yet so closed-minded.

Article L. 222-32 of the French Penal Code prohibits “imposed sexual exhibition in the sight of others in a place accessible to the public gaze”. The law, therefore, limits naturism to places that are strictly private or specifically designed for this purpose.’article%20L.,sp%C3%A9cifiquement%20am%C3%A9nag% C3%A9s%20%C3%A0%20this%20effect.


From now on my birthdays are going to be naturist birthdays in permitted public spaces.

I am lucky that June 20th, practically throughout my whole life, has been a hot day, so being naked is going to be appreciated.

These are my two commitments in this society, promoting nudism and taking sexuality out of the closet.

If you think like me, you are invited to my naturist birthday on Saturday, June 18th 2022 at the Casa de Campo in Madrid. If you sign up for the event, I will give you the exact place where we will meet. How? By replying to this message

What do you have to bring? Bring what you drink and eat, don’t think about others, think about what you like. We’ll all have a picnic.

Don’t forget a pareo or a towel, or a piece of cloth to sit in the field and a water dispenser for the body can also come in handy.

You can come with whomever you want.

I’m sorry for those of you who are not in Madrid and cannot attend.

Kisses and I hope to meet you in person if I haven’t already.

Cris Blas

Escort life sex coach naturist

For a naturist society.

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