
Naturist brunch in an apartment on Gran Via Madrid. Gifts. Naturist costumes.

The community of naturist sexuality gets together again in Madrid,

As you already know, this community aims to naturalize sexuality and nudism, so that being naked or among naked people does not bother you. It is something natural that each one decides how they want to be.

If you are going to see a topic, for which it does not feel good to be naked, it is naturism. You have to dress up and disguise yourself as what naturism represents for you. Think about it and use your imagination.

Do not think: «But if in winter and in a closed place, we paint naked and on top of that it is cold». Let everyone go as they want, but represent naturism in one way or another.

There will be gifts for everyone. How is that? Well, whoever goes has to bring a gift, important, that hasn’t cost them anything. Something you have at home that you don’t use, for example.

For gifts, you have to arrive before 8:00 p.m. and around 8:30 p.m., they will open. If you think that your gift is better for another person than for you or vice versa, it can be exchanged.

To drink and eat, each one that contributes what you want and you can.

Oh! At the entrance/exit, there will be a box where you can leave donations to share the expenses of the community. For example, the payment for the apartment.

The donation is not mandatory if it does not suit you, you do not have to contribute. I have been in very tight times of money and I understand it perfectly when you can’t, you can’t.

In that case, your presence, your smile and good vibes are more than enough.

At this event, it is mandatory to register to receive instructions on how to get to the apartment on the day of the event through this link:

If you reserve a place and then do not cancel it in advance or do not go, you will not be invited to future events. That shows respect and commitment to others.

Think that it is a closed place and there is a capacity and a place that you occupy, except that another interested person can go. Only book if you are 100% sure that you are going.

It will be Wednesday, January 15, starting at 3:00 p.m. On Gran Via, next to Plaza de Callao.

A kiss and I hope to meet more people in person from this community.


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