
Sex with or without quality

Sex, here today, gone tomorrow!! Coming soon and going away !!!

The other day I learned a interesting thing from a client who we estimate had been with 90 prostitutes. He was about 54 years old, I do not remember exactly. He told me it was the first time that he came and did not have to get up and put on his pants and leave as soon as possible. I saw it that day and I still see it and I repeat it to myself. What the fuck is happing with sex and sex service?

This says a lot about the kind of sex service that is being performed.

And people question my hourly rate.

I give the type of service that I would like to receive. And above all, I like to feel that I have spent my money well

We do not all give the same service in quality or location. So, we do not pretend to be paid the same. You do not pay the same in a 5 star hotel as you do in a B&B. Though the sleep is the same. The pillows, the sheets, the service, and the treatment are totally different.

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