
Getting out of whores after the party!!

A little good but a lot!!!

Depends what are you looking for!

The truth is that I have discovered the sex of the day, the half hour or an hour, without alcohol or drugs is very good. My conclusion is that it is much more sensitive and pleasant. There are many men and young people, who drink and drug themselves and quickly relate it to calling an Escort or Prostitute.
I’m sorry, but when one is normal, I can not stand cocaine. Well, many times even they can not stand themselves. In addition, coca customers usually come in a few ways, as they pay, they are entitled to everything. Well, your company gives you a salary and that’s not why you have a right, no? Or you are the owner of a business and that does not give you the right to do what you want with the employees. Thus, it seems that it is seen, but in the other way it is not seen. As prostitution is associated with fun and sex, clients think that you have the right to do everything and how they want.
As I always say, I’m in this profession because sex is a matter of two and I like to enjoy and enjoy. And with a person who comes up with coca and keeps putting himself, he just wants you to eat it, because as most do not splice, they are left small and cold, their goal is, “as you have been paid” at your own disposal.
Well, at the end, I stay with the day, who comes to relax for a while, who does not want water and with little, he gets super horny. The orgasms are much better.
Also, the day customer, who puts on coca and good, that I do not care so much, because they are normal hours. And some with coca if they work and at normal hours my body tolerates it more. It will be already 44.
There are other prostitutes and Escorts who, on the contrary, live from that type of client. And it’s what they like! If that is true, that in comments, among us, it is said, that what they do is above all talk and put in little to endure them. And they almost do not fuck. And some are hours and solved the week.
To me, I am very resentful, in those situations of exaltation, that you are worth everything (I take drugs from time to time and I know what it is) take advantage of it, economically. There are people who leave big bucks in drunken states. And spend and the next day, I assure you, that more than 70% are repentant. And for me, the truth, that I like the client to come, repeat and leave with a good taste in your mouth.
Apart from that for me the night is to sleep. That’s why there are Day Escorts and Escorts at night. To taste the colors.
That you spend a good day, often solace that makes in Madrid December 23 at 12.00 in the morning. Madrid I love it!

The last words, I wrote them 27 december 2017

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Dan Humphrey
Dan Humphrey
6 years ago

Hello Cris well it really does sound like you try to enjoy your self in your work…
YES i WOULD LIKE TO HIRE you today if possible (ball park figure to pop round mine) and wake my girlfriend in a way that SHE HAS ****FANTASIZED******
ABOUT since SHEwad
Young GIRL

P.S she jas the tightest firmest wettest and definitely the YOUNGEST LOOKING
Pussy I’VE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF ENJOYING …..would really like to meet up and have you POP round ASAP so i can (you) give her the wake up call she’s always *****WANTED ****

7 years ago

As usual, beautiful

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