
I am really 45 years old.

The other day  a client left because he said “You´re not 45 years old. That’s funny!

I’m going to Brighton where the rates are very low like in Spain. What little value women give themselves here. And the clients are really poorly educated on the phone. They have not patience,  I’m learning a language and their accents are not easy to understand. They hang up the phone and  they never appear. They think we sit at home all day waiting for the client and that we do not have a life.

People recommend that I lower my rates, but they do not know that there are many clients that will pay what I’m worth. Jaguar does not sell cars cheaps because they are exclusive. As I said on another occasion, I do not want to be accessible to everyone as I was in Madrid. I made a mistake and I will not repeat it.

Many people ask me if I do it without a condom they tell me they are clean. That’s crazy! And shows no respect.

No wonder  sometimes I sound rude on the phone or even sometimes in person. Luckily I’m independent  I can say no to anyone I want. I’m out of that system. There are clients, who act like bosses and expect you to do what they want because they think they are better than you. (No one is better than anyone). And I will be nice to whoever deserves it, not to first timers who are arrogant. There are many educated and wonderful clients !!!

New gallery, I invite you to see it! Click on the photo and you will see the following ones.

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5 years ago


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