For most of my life, not only now as an Escort, I have travelled to different countries and have lived in them and many things still seem to me very curious. It depends where you learn something, it becomes automatic. And for some it is strange and for others, it is the most natural and normal thing in the world.

That is why every day I’m clear that we are the system we create. We have nothing left of our own instinct! It disappears over the years.

We are all in the same world but it’s different in each continent and country.

For example, the way of driving.

I always carry my scooter with me, it gives me a lot of freedom and helps me not to waste time. And it teaches me that not all places have the same driving rules.

I have been driving a motorcycle since I was 14 and a car since I was 18. I took my car license in Madrid and the motorcycle card too. I have driven a lot and I continue to do so, especially now that I am changing countries. The rules that I have learned, my brain automatically register it as a  Spanish rule.

I have started driving in Zurich, Geneva, Paris and now also in England, which I already drove in when I lived there as an au-pair for a year when I was about 23 years old. The family was leaving me their car constantly and I was lucky.

The standards, signs and colours are different in each country. There are similarities but other rules are totally different.

For example in Paris, inside the roundabouts, you let those in who enter on your right. If you go down a street, be it small or main, usually, if there is no sign, you must also let those in who are on your right.

In Spain, it is totally different. Whoever is inside the roundabout has a preference and always has a preference that goes by the main road.

You have to be careful because you tend to act in a mechanical way where you look the wrong way and this can cause you an accident. And on a motorcycle a more serious one.

That is why it is normal that at first, you think that the roundabout of the Arc de Triomphe is crazy. The first time it impresses and you don’t know how to do it. Because if you come from a country where those within the roundabout it have preference and it turns out that it is not so, that they are the ones that are included by your right, I can assure you that the first time you get in it’s like a Russian roulette (so many Parisians call it that).

Another curious thing, pedestrian crossings do not exist for French drivers, do not risk crossing, because they unconsciously do not know how to give way to the pedestrian. They never stop!.

Zurich is the extreme opposite, you have not reached the pedestrian crossing and the car is already stopping.

To mention India. Whoever has been there knows what I am talking about. The first day you are not able to cross large streets. Then you get used to it and dodge cars as they do to you.

But what I have noticed is that all methods work. The important thing is that everyone should do the same thing so that there is no mess or confusion. Then you learn to do it and you do it automatically and you see its order.

Now that I change countries routinely, my brain needs to adjust for a few days.

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One day I nearly fell off my scooter in the Russian roundabout (Arc de Triomphe), by the divine realities I was protected.  It was raining (how strange! In Paris raining !!) and suddenly I was in a pothole, I had to hold the handlebars tightly. I don’t know how I did not fall and ruin my friend’s wedding! To think that I was going to drink something the day before the wedding. Imagine if just that day I break something or kill myself in a fatal accident (how dramatic). Potholes are very dangerous!! I saw the hole the next day and it seems a bit embarrassing for a city like Paris to have streets that are so dangerous and full of constant potholes that on rainy days of which there are many are almost not even seen. Super dangerous, I can assure you !!

Paris is very beautiful with its cobbled streets, but for motorcycles and cars, it is horrible and dangerous. They should restrict the traffic or asphalt the lanes. But as it is now, it’s a little kamikaze.

In Geneva they drive very similarly to France, it shows that they are first cousins, but everything is newer and organized.

In Zurich it is another world, the streets are prepared more for trams and bicycles and almost no cars circulate, people move a lot on public transport and that works well. Its culture is more about using a bicycle or bus. You can’t see almost any cars or motorcycles in the city. Those that are seen are used by those of us who come from abroad, the majority.

Now I have been in Brighton and I have also driven the motorcycle there and been educated in the English way of driving. I did not remember, but now that I have driven again in the UK, I can confirm that my experience was pleasant. They don’t race, they drive very quietly and always respect the rules. Of course, there is always some exceptions, but not too many.

Another adventure is eating in different countries.

Each country has its own speciality. Not everyone should think that their countries have created the best food in the world because it is not true. To believe that your country is the best, and what is there is the best, is to be a chauvinist. And honestly, each country has own speciality.

One country that I had a big surprise with has been England. We should defend that bad reputation that precedes them.

Raspberries and blackberries from the UK have a flavour that I haven’t found in Spain for years. And they have invented a number of dishes and made food in the kitchen into an art. Their fame precedes them no longer does them justice.

The UK gets criticized a lot for their food but I’ve seen an extreme breakthrough. It has everything, dominates the kitchen and with special techniques creates wonderful things.

It is clear that each country has different climatology and geography and these effects its strengths. And with globalization, import and export can be created everywhere.

The English have had such a high economy and an unemployment rate so low that many emigrants have stayed, they have achieved their comfort zone. And they have been so open to cultures and have accepted all nationalities that is why you find food from all over the world and above all, at all kinds of affordable prices for everyone.

Globalization is observed a lot in food.

Almost everywhere you can find plenty of different kinds of junk food, one has to be careful not to be too tempted by all these choices because junk food is often exquisite.

Switzerland is quite basic for food choices and expensive.  In the end, you manage with Lidl, Denner and Aldi. Because in the most common supermarkets such as Migros and Coop, you pay triple the purchase price. And those of us who come from abroad this seems very expensive.

In these places, there is not so much importance given to food. It is not the most important thing in this life and there are many more options! For example that wonderful summer they have, of water, the sun, nature and pleasant temperatures. And those beautiful skies in the winter season.

When I am in Geneva, I usually take my motorcycle and go to France to make my purchases. I don’t know if I do right or wrong but thinking about me is the best and most economical, not only for the price, but also for the variety.

If you are not used to these prices, it is normal for you to think these prices are expensive, but the Swiss are well accustomed to it and pay it as normal. And they tend to use local products and there seems to be no animal abuse.

The French, they do very well. Croissants, cakes, crepes are all delicious. Supermarkets have a large variety of everything. In Paris, the prices are very expensive but the rest of France is a little cheaper and only a little higher than in Spain. And if you go to a restaurant, you will surely like what you ask for. And for a price of € 20, 30, you eat well. And with € 50 you eat quite richly and with quality.

And from my personal palate, Thai and Indian cuisine, they are spectacular with the flavours they have.

They say that Korean food is amazing. I’ve tried it in restaurants in Paris, but not directly in Korea. I imagine that in Korea the food must be spectacular. We must go !!!

Now the customers !!!

Every day I realise that it is not the nationality that makes the person. Yes, there are cultural customs, but then each person is a world. It cannot be generalized that all the Moors are the same or that the French are snobs and the English are dry.

Since I learn languages ​​and I can communicate with many people, I noted even more that stereotypes get very confused. Language can be a handicap.

But the education of each country is very noticeable, the types of schools in which you study.

The ones that take the most credit are the Germans and the Swiss. The French in general, are quite polite and refined, but you can also find some that are arrogant or rude. Although good happens everywhere, more in some places than in others.

The English have such a reputation as being well educated but in my opinion, the month I spent in Brighton and Worthing I noticed that some were badly educated. I don’t know if the women of my profession treat them like this and that’s why they are like that, but I think they disrespected me on many occasions. They hung up on me without saying goodbye, or saying anything, keeping your cell phone in your ear like a fool. Many did not show up or stayed and arrived late and almost always at the door, they negotiated the price again. I ended up very burned from the phone.

But if that is true, that happens to me wherever I go at the beginning. Until you decide to block certain calls and learn their language, the phone is exhausting and I lose my patience many times.

I never liked to haggle and now I hate it been done to me. It pisses me off a lot. And it’s a bad start! You don’t want to fuck a person like that.

Actually, I get a very bad taste from Worthing’s clients.

And in Spain where I worked for several years, I can say with knowledge and experience that they are demanding and want to pay little. So they can’t claim the best service when they don’t pay what they have to pay. They are like the richest of the poor and the poorest of the rich.

I had to leave Spain to be valued. That’s how sad Spain is within my profession. Of course, in other things, it’s the bomb! Like the weather, the sun, the environment.

In Spain, they criticized my house which they said was a pigsty. How dare they have such an opinion, really! Many have known my house in Leganés (Madrid) and can confirm that in any culture they would call it a luxury house.

Will I return to Spain?

When I left Madrid in October, I left with the idea of ​​returning to Spain in a few years. Now I think I will not return in many years to come. Being in Spain is stagnant for me and for now, does not teach me anything new.

At the moment, I have made a one year plan ahead and expectations of returning to Spain are nil.

But well, in this life you never know and sometimes it changes you from one day to another.

As has happened to me on many occasions. From one month to another it has changed 180 degrees.

Like when I had my psychotic breakdown. Now finally, it seems, that although I am in different countries, I have created my routine. That is why I no longer get those feelings of experiencing other realities. Now as I do not stress, it must have been that.  As usual, the stress!!

Another example of being outside of the system circle. Since I made my own system I have not had any breakdowns. If it helps I take every day before going to bed a 100mg Seroquel (Quetiapine)?

I leave it here…

For him who is in Paris or passes through Paris, knows that I am available here from 9 am to 22 pm.

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