
Does size matter?

The great pressure on men.

Maybe for those of you who believe in a God who watches over you and observes you, depending on how you behave in other lives, this is the size for this life.

Hehehe! Let’s leave jokes aside.

Size is given so much importance in sexuality, that for some it becomes a problem. They lose their own self-esteem just because of the size of their penis.

I observe that the orgasm is the same, larger or smaller. It shouldn’t be a problem.

Now men have started using surgical techniques to keep their penis erect.

It is a prosthesis that a surgeon puts inside the penis so that it is erect and thus give pleasure to the woman. It’s a mould, a prosthesis. I don’t know what material it is, because you can’t see it, but you can touch it and you can feel it. It’s like touching something very hard, like a fat stick made of hard plastic. It gets weird, you are not used to touching a penis so hard. They introduce it to you, it is always erect. The woman enjoys because she feels something inside and the man too.

Look at the opportunities there is to invent. Make penis prostheses thinking about the pleasure of women. If the woman has pleasure, I assure you that the man also has it. It is beneficial for both of us.

But does size matter?

In the end, this belief system, religions and culture has created sexuality that bases sex on penetration.

If there is no penetration, there is no sex and then it seems that size matters.

They are confused! Sex is much more than just penetration. Sex has many more variations that it is not necessary to do penetration to reach a good orgasm. How for example with friction. Many times, rubbing is more pleasant than penetration.

You have to learn other ways to give and receive pleasure. There are other ways, I will not mention any more, but there are many more.

Here I have real examples of what other people think if size matters.

« It matters! And those who say that is doesn’t matter, are lying to you! If it is small there is not so much problem but if it is a big cock (for me) it is horrible! It usually hurts, they hurt a lot and there are positions that you cannot do … I prefer a thousand times a normal size cock small than a large one? ».

How curious!. Surely most of you what you have read, of course, size matters. You would have thought otherwise. Bigger better.

« I hope my personal opinion will contribute something to you. Well, that depends on the size of the vagina, if you have a generous vagina a small penis is lost in the vagina. If the vagina is small a large penis hurts. Conclusion: Size matters. ?? ».

Size does matter. But I’m not saying that bigger is better. But each vagina has some measurements.

« I think that the issue of size to some extent represents something very symbolic for man. On the other hand, size is a minimal but “important” part and is genetically predetermined. It is easier to attribute certain discontent to what one has but there are a lot of ways to compensate that.

We women are also very often quite unhappy in some of our ways, almost as much as men and the mythical question of size. I think there are dramatic cases where because of very limited small size penis this become a medical matter ».

I would say that a very limited size is anatomy that you are born with. You can perceive it as a problem or assume it and learn sex techniques regardless of the size of the penis.

There are different. Rubbing, masturbation, sex toys, postures. I don’t think it is a medical issue because you are born with a small penis. It is a matter of condition and circumstance.

« Hello, size does not matter to me.I think that if a penis is large you can find a solution and if it is small too.The most important thing is to get to pleasure and it can be achieved by looking for different ways ».

There are always solutions. No problems!

These are some of the answers. I hope they help many of those who wonder if it matters or not.

I think we have based sex on penetration and we have to start changing that concept.

Sex is caresses, kisses, massages, postures, rubs, fingers, dildos, toys, love, etc.

My personal opinion from my own body, the size makes me feel it more or less, but if the size does not give me pleasure, I take out my dildos and enjoy. What difference does it make!.

What I want is to reach orgasm and if it can be at the same time, all the better. And so we both relax after an orgasm.

It is looking for another way to give pleasure that is not with penetration. Easy! With mutual masturbation, for example.

There is nothing more enjoyable than one masturbation at a time!

The vaginas are enlarged and also unpleasant. It depends on how often you have sex and with what sizes. If you get used to your vagina and your anus to a small penis, a big one comes to you and you don’t know how to use it then it destroys you. And if you are used to a big penis and a small one comes to you, then you don’t even feel it.

The important thing is that there is communication and seek what is most pleasant for both of you.

It is better to see the positive part and not see the negative and not see it as a problem.

If you have a small penis it is great for virgin and inexperienced girls. And if you have a large penis, then to experiment with a more open vagina. I also put anal sex here. For starters, it is much better with small penises.

Honestly, the importance that men have created in having bigger, greater, they have created themselves. They themselves compete to see who has a bigger one.

Women adapt. They say we are difficult, but in the end, we will be easier than them. It was only to discover our orgasm, that with the fact that the clitoris is hidden, they do not have it hidden.

But really, don’t obsess oversize. The majority of women, we have to stimulate the outer clitoris to be able to feel the penetration.

Better to learn more to touch the clitoris than to penetrate.

And what is a large size and a small size?

You have it on the internet. There are thousands of articles. I’ll give you this one for example, which is much more complete, theoretical and scientific than how I have explained it in my words from my humble point of view.


Women have learned to do good blowjobs, men learn to do good cunnilingus and you will see how women do not care about size.

Anyone who wants to talk about sex out of doubt, learning or curiosity, is welcome to the Community of Sexuality where we meet once a month and talk about sexuality with all of its aspects. Without gender distinction. All with all, mixed. Gays, lesbians, straight, monogamous, polygamous, with a penis, with a vagina. You are all invited.

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