
Next zoom Thursday September 14: L’anorgasmia


Monthly meetings are back.

As I said, when I said goodbye for vacation, at the next meeting we will talk about anorgasmia.

Do you think it may be your case? or Do you want to give your opinion?

We will talk about that and as always more topics will come up. Of course,  issues, and topics related to sexuality.

If you are new to the community, you are welcome to participate and talk about sex.

The goal of this community is to take sexuality out of the closet speak openly without taboos and above all speak without feeling judged.

I’ll wait for you on Thursday, September 14 at 8 p.m. Madrid time.

Meeting number: 960 637 0506

Code secret: 6aqKCc


Cris Blas.

S.e.x Coach Practice.

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